I scoff at the "consumer demand" label on wearables. Samsung's massive ad campaign only introduces the concept to most.
Retailers overemphasize loyalty in creating mobile experiences, according to a report covered by Mobile Marketer. I say that you can't overemphasize loyalty.
Tablets are most shared devices with 40 percent of users sharing their devices with someone else in their house, according to eBay.
Mobile accounted for one-third of Google paid clicks in Q3, yet CPCs dropped from the previous quarter.
Nielsen: The average amount of times a message needs to be in front of a millennial to be absorbed – 23.
The biggest question for Apple isn't what they are announcing Tuesday with new iPads - it's the quantity of product available for holiday sales.
In their IPO S-1 filing, Twitter expects the mobile advertising market to increase from $10.0 billion to $52.2 billion between 2012 and 2017.
Despite claiming to be the friendliest carrier, T-Mobile is killing grandfathered plans.
Do you shake your head more when someone is carrying a feature phone or a BlackBerry?
Am I the only one who never had an interest in a larger iPhone?
Headline says deeper understanding of mobile users a challenge for media buying. Please. Information equals opportunity.
Mobile commerce is growing 30 percent per year, comScore says.
88 percent of mobile shoppers also use PCs to research purchases, according to Yahoo.
One more, this time from Deloitte: consumers who use their mobile while shopping spend 61 percent more than the average trip.
Cisco says that 33 percent of the world's mobile data traffic will be video by 2017.
I saw a tweet that claims that some of the city of San Diego's website is “kinda mobile-ish” I’m so glad that we’ve progressed in our mobile understanding. Sheesh.