Mobile Marketer asked me why retailer Kohl’s used text messaging to drive back to school sales. My response? Because they wanted to sell more stuff.
Specifically, here’s what I told the publication:
“Unlike email, SMS provides immediacy since more than 95 percent of texts are ready within four minutes. If Kohl’s relied exclusively on email, the retailer’s communication would likely be buried in many customer email inboxes Smart marketers long-ago planned for back-to-school, building databases and giving themselves a critical edge in breaking through the clutter.
"This back-to-school season is unlike the previous with more showrooming, calls-to-action at the point-of-sale, rewards for loyalty and purchases by mobile devices. Retailers who have failed to prepare with such basics as mobile Web sites will undoubtedly suffer.”
The article is here’s-ups-mobile-ante-with-incentivized-back-to-school-campaign