A report suggests that smartphones are making us dumber. I read it as more of an opinion about the downside of multitasking. I would say more, but I’m conducting an orchestra while I write.
I’ve been using a low-end smartphone for some testing. It provides perspective on the complaints we have with the better models.
As of late last week, while Facebook's stock was down 30 percent since its IPO, daily users were up 26 percent, mobile monthly users were up 56 percent, and revenue up 38 percent, according to Techcrunch.
More on the changing face of mobile messaging - Google’s new Hangouts app will soon support SMS.
Headline: Mobile Loyalty Programs - The New Home Run for Marketers. New? No. ROI has been proven for years. There are dozens of examples in my Mobilized Marketing book and on this site.
Groupon Co-CEO: My wife won't let me forget I rejected Google's $5.75 billion. My wife would move past it. Sure.
Ninety-five percent of Q1 Android smartphone profits went to Samsung.
Households making less than $30K send/receive 60 texts a day, twice those of households earning more than $75K, according to Pew.
ABC will reportedly participate in Nielsen's first test of new technology designed to track mobile TV viewers.
A Virgin America flight attendant reportedly said this upon landing: “If your mobile device is within reach, you can stop pretending it’s turned off now.”
There is no unsubscribe link on Priceline emails. you know, the ones you and I never asked to get when we booked a room.
I hate those "automated" counts like the one running on the Apple home page last week supposedly counting app downloads. They smell fake every time.
Only 3 percent of affluent women buy designer apparel via mobile: study. That number seems very low and bound to go higher.