Consumer Reports says that the Samsung Galaxy S4 is the world’s best smartphone in part because you can use it with gloves on. I see a commercial coming with MC Hammer’s song, U Can’t Touch This.
In the first three months of 2013, 1.8 million Spaniards switched from big carriers to small, cheaper operators. Is a repeat here? Upstarts get smashed in marketing budget wars.
Only 9 percent of marketers think agencies do good job keeping up: Chief Marketing Officer Council. I find that especially true with mobile and traditional firms, some of which that have never veered from the 60’s-style TV spot and print.
Smartphone owners spend 127 minutes per day in mobile apps. What was that about the mobile web killing apps?
A new ad saying more people enjoy music on an iPhone than any other phone targets a younger demo. No 50-somethings.
A report says that by 2016, 25 percent of all laptops shipped will have touchscreens, as compared to just 10 percent now. That’s in large part due to mobile’s effect on technology and behavior.
Home improvement or HTC First with Facebook Home won't be sold in Europe, according to AllThingsD.
64 percent of mobile users use Twitter in front of the TV at home. 25 percent of them tweet about the shows they watch.
99.9 percent of new mobile malware targets Android phones. Consumers don’t care – and won’t until there is a significant issue.
Walmart's head of mobile said at CTIA that while sales through a phone are important, it’s mobile-influenced sales that matter most. Also, Walmart app users spend 40 percent more per month, make twice as many trips as non-app users.
An 18-year-old’s invention can recharge a mobile phone in 30 seconds. But a component needs to be put into the batteries, so it won’t work on our current models.