People paid hundreds to unplug at a tech-free camp. Would you go? Could you withdraw? Restraint isn't my strong suit.
A Forbes piece asks, “Has The Smartphone Boom Peaked?” I believe that it is premature with 1st timers coming onboard. I met many during recent travel.
Another Headline: “Why Old People Get So Angry When You Use Your Phone During Dinner”. I spent a week around old people using smartphones at the table.
A report says that Siri is about to get a lot faster. Speed has never been problem for me - accuracy remains an issue.
A video was introduced advising us when to call versus when to email. What’s a call?
DISH and Southwest Airlines have brought free, live and on-demand TV to smartphones & tablets on WiFi flights. Gogo’s reaction? No-no.
Vine has gone from the top iPhone app to losing out to the newly video-enhanced Instagram. Fast, fast changes in mobile.
Google interns in the Bay Area are paid $6,000 a month, fed, and don't need an automobile. Sign me up.
HTC lost $395 million in value as its share price plunged to a 7-year-low after disappointing 2Q earnings.
Back to school ads have started. Too early? No. Wise marketers are already working on mobile campaigns for the holiday season.
35 percent of users are consuming 90 percent of data on mobile: McKinsey. Those numbers are not a surprise.
Advertising Age asked “Will the Next Hot Agency Title be 'Professional Vinographer'?” No.
85 percent in a survey of mobile users in China said convenience was more important than saving money while shopping. Really? Question is vague because there has to be a line that could be crossed.