There are supposed mega dollars in same-day delivery, enough for Amazon, Google and others to make it a large emphasis. Among the hurdles is so-called "click and mortar”. Who does that? As an example, 15% of orders are picked up onsite with 80% being fulfilled within an hour.
Another behavior to keep an eye on with the same retailer - mobile app usage has increased 50% since Target rolled out in-store Wi-Fi.
A tweet I saw says that “cool kids buy shoes covered in poop”. It’s more evidence that Twitter is the land of never-ending learning. Aren’t you glad that I didn’t feature this one in the lead paragraph and accompany it with a picture?
About the argument about too many messages – a second one via beacons incents American Eagle Outfittter customers to try on clothes. The percentage who visited the fitting room area to try on clothes was more than double for those who received a beacon-enabled incentive offer versus for those users that did not.
Worldwide mobile device sales will hit 2.4 billion unit this year, Gartner says.
Starbucks “order-ahead” app will begin a test in Portland.
Retailers accepting Apple Pay at launch this week is a who's who. That was one of the battles. Customer usage is next.
Mobile will account for 44% of the programmatic ad spending this year, up to 56% next year, per eMarketer. The same source forecasts mobile ad spending to overtake desktop ad spending by 2016.
Fifty percent of marketers don't have a full understanding of their customer journey, according to an ANA/McKinsey study.
The "sweet" story of Bill Murray's recent first smartphone purchase of a BlackBerry couldn't be a paid endorsement, could it? Nah.
A tweet from Apple executive Craig Federighi – “News that Google will announce their new Nexus Tablet on Wed. Hope they've got the 248 units they'll need for opening weekend sales.” Ouch.
The mobile-only newspaper audience has doubled in the past year, eMarketer tells us.
We'll have zero bank tellers the same day we have a world with no cash. Never. There are no absolutes.