Celebrity endorsements have flopped in mobile, but how can Renee Zellweger not be the face of Loosery, a video chatting app that supposedly makes one look more attractive? Renee can build the “Not Your Selfie” category.
Mobile offers are redeemed 10x more than print, Hubspot says.
A TiVo study reports 51% (vs. 36% last year) of TV viewers multitask every time they watch TV.
A study by American Express says that fewer will use mobile device this year vs. last for holiday shopping. I’m not buying it.
82% worry that wearables would invade privacy, according to PwC report. That’s a hurdle beyond the issue of wearables not solving problems.
After a week with the iPhone 6, I have to say it is borderline too big for me. I’m coming from a 5 and really feel of that one in my pocket. I realize that it’s a to each his/her own thing, like most things in mobile.
81% of U.S. online consumers say they're likely to avoid websites that have left them dissatisfied, per Forrester. Are the others just gluttons for punishment?
I see where Moms find tracking family health via smartphone too time consuming. Quick, ease of use are musts in new iterations.
Yahoo shared mobile sales for the first time: $200 million last quarter, 17% of the total. It says that mobile revenues for 2014 will exceed $1.2 billion.
The iPhone 6 "caught fire" allegation was as predictable as a new Apple rumor starting within 5 minutes of a product release. Exploding phone stories, too, are almost always hoaxes.
Microsoft reportedly plans to launch a wearable device within weeks. Supposedly it will work with iOS and Android, unlike the Apple Watch.
Tweet of the week? From sportswriter Rick Reilly: “Cowboys' RB Joseph Randle steals underwear, gets an underwear endorsement deal. Lesson? Next time steal a Mercedes.”