Phablet was my least favorite term in mobile – until Huawei started calling “group selfies” groufies. Help us.
Yahoo had 60 mobile engineers when Marissa Mayer arrived as CEO. It now has more than 500. She says that Yahoo’s mobile traffic will soon surpass that coming from desktop.
U.S. advertisers now spend just 7 cents per U.S. adult per hour spent on mobile. Far below 12 cents for online, 17 cents for TV, and 93 cents for print.
Four in five U.S. smartphone users believe search ads should be customized to their location, according to Google.
The mobile travel audience is 60% male, 40% female overall, skewing to 62% male for smartphones, Millennial Media says.
Most global consumers will soon get a smartphone experience for $25, Coca Cola’s Tom Daly predicts.
"Only" 6% of passengers purchase #Wi-Fi on equipped flights .I bet at least 80% of those are disappointed with quality.
Fifty-five percent of mobile search conversions occur in one hour of a mobile search, a study from Bing concludes.
BlackBerry continued to slip in U.S. market share last quarter. Not much room left to fall.
Three of four smartphone owners have downloaded a Facebook app. Twitter? One in five, according to comScore.
Talk about a niche – rumors of an Uber-like service for jets.
Oh, great. Responsive 2.0 is here, at least that’s what the tweet says.
About 13% of TD Ameritrade trades come from mobile. It is expected to double in the next year.
Mobile video is a niche of a niche, but will see triple digit growth, Vonage’s Kathryn Szumowski said at the Mobile Marketing Forum.
Tweet from the Abilene Baptist Church – “Worshipping with us this morning? Follow along with @PastorBradWhitt's sermon on your smart phone or tablet! »