One in 5 mobile handsets will have mobile wallet functionality by 2018, per Juniper Research. Functionality means squat without usage.
I have long said that we don't live in world of absolutes - no, tablets haven't become irrelevant. As far as the latest statistics, 18.5% of all marketing emails were opened on a tablet in Q1 2014, up 5% in 9 months.
A mobile vendor that I won't name (I have friends there) sent me email starting Dear Maryann. And they sell the concept of personalization.
72% of all tweets about a sporting event on TV is tweeted by someone under 35 years old (Nielsen).
Headline: Hispanic Consumers Embrace Mobile Technology. It's one thing in the industry that hasn't changed since I got in in 2005.
I saw where Fitbit has 50% of the world’s wearable market. Yeah, but we’re in second inning.
There’s news that Verizon is about to target its subscribers with ads. No one has more data on users than the carriers.
Facebook has launched new Shazam-like features. The jury is out on whether a big number of users want to access information this way.
YouTube reaches more 18-34 year olds than any cable network.
Citi saw the growth of mobile banking go from 22% to 59% in two years.
Gartner says that the global spend on mobile ads is expected to hit 18 billion, an increase from the estimated $13.1 billion last year.
15% of all e-commerce sales are estimated to come from mobile, McKinsey reports.
Tweet from Bill Murray – “Nuns in wheelchairs = Virgin mobile.”
Houston first responders and doctors in dispatch centers are using tablets in treatment of patients who don't need an emergency room trip.
A final few words from Arianna Huffington - "We take better care of our smartphones than we do ourselves." Are you guilty as charged?