More than half of the higher-end hotels require 6 clicks or more for consumers to make reservation via the mobile web, according to digital think tank L2. I would be gone after 3 and never return. You?
Only 3% of retailers today that have technology that can identify customers when they walk in the door, according to Boston Retail Partners. But 75% say that they plan to implement this technology within the next five years.
31% of advertisers put 21%+ of 2013 budgets to mobile, Nielsen reported.
I saw a tweet about USB thumb drives. Talk about something indispensable then, not needed now. The cloud changed all.
The San Francisco Airport is testing a beacon system to help blind travelers navigate.
Years later, I still can't figure out why Apple hides the scroll bars on Macs by default.
The iPhone 6 may not be available until October, later than expected. Cripes. Another month of rumors then.
Facebook had over 1.5 million active advertisers during Q2. 12 months earlier? One million. Half a million 24 months ago.
Tablet sales are "crashing" because not enough innovation has come to push the need to upgrade, says Best Buy’s new CEO Hubert Joly.
Sprint will sell a $12 wireless plan that only connects to Facebook or Twitter.
A third of cell owners say that their primary internet access point is their phone, Pew says.
Headline on print edition of GQ - A Boob-ier Tube: GQ's Guide To The New Naked TV. Whatever it takes to revive "old" media.
The pace of Promoted Tweets has seemingly picked up. My interaction with them has not.
An app that dims your phone so that other concertgoers won't hate you? What we need is one to silence yappers. I had that frustrating experience recently.