Since some supposedly have the iPhone 6 nailed, iPhone 7 rumors anyone? I heard that the phone will enable us to fly without planes.
Orbitz lets users resume searches across devices. That is so 2014.
The majority of Americans download zero smartphone apps every month, comScore says. This report is everywhere on the Internet.
Digital time spent on mobile is all additive, not substitutional to desktop, according to eMarketer.
I had no issues with mine (before it was recalled) - 10-20% of people are allergic to nickel, a material unregulated in the U.S. that's found in devices like Fitbits .
1.6% of app developers make more than the other 98.4% combined, a review by Vision Mobile shows.
Google’s 2013 mobile search revenues were approximately $8 billion.
The value I put on Twitter is high, but it doesn't get me to believe 79% of marketers used Promoted Tweets this year.
Half of American adults now own either a tablet or an e-reader, Pew tells us.
Younger millennials spend a majority of their "TV" time watching TV on another device, according to eMarketer.
The mobile spend by marketers is slowing , the CMO Council tells us. It’s maddening but points to need to work harder and smarter to show ROI.
I've been doing this all wrong. I see an "offer" to get me 100-200 retweets per tweet for 30 days. You know that my stuff is not that compelling (but you did read to the end, so thanks).
The most secure version of BBM is coming to iOS and Android this year. That’s at least 4 years too late.
173 million people in the U.S. now own a smartphone per comScore.
50% of Walmart web traffic comes from mobile.
75% of HR managers say mobile HR improves worker satisfaction, ADP reports. More education needs to be done there since it isn’t a no-brainer apparently.