The next iPhone will include near-field communication (NFC) mobile payments, per Wired. To me, it’s significant but not "cash gone by Tuesday" significant. There will continue to be slow adoption to mobile payments due primarily to security concerns, but faster with Apple pushing it.
Push notifications boost mobile app engagement, according to Localytics. That makes sense since it's permission-based. When done well, value is provided.
Headline: Really. It's Time For Brands To Deliver Real-Time Personalization. My reaction: time? The word is overdue.
Apple is reportedly considering a $400 price tag for its wearable device, which supposedly will be introduced Sept. 9 but not go on sale until early in 2015.
70% of college students post to Snapchat daily, Sumpto says. 46% post to Twitter. 11% take to Facebook.
50% of Square businesses are owned by women. Women own approximately 30% of all businesses in the U.S.
There were 1.1 million tweets during the Emmys telecast, seen by 8.8 million people.
The Falcons app allows you to click for an in-stadium "cheerleader visit". Watch out for the blitz since your wife will surely visit next.
There are nearly as many McDonald’s with free Internet (12,000) as public libraries (15,000), Pew reports.
My favorite tweet of the week came from Bob Davis (@BobDavisHCP), a VC with Highland Capital. “Auto correct makes me say things I didn't nintendo.”
The runner-up tweet comes from marketer and friend Rick Mathieson (@rickmathieson). “Kimberly-Clark potty training app offers rewards every time your toddler downloads.”
73.4% of smartphone owners used them to access the Internet in 2013, Harte Hanks tells us.
Juniper Research predicts that there will be over 1 billion mobile coupon users by 2019.
The majority of digital media consumption occurs in apps with most activity coming from 7% of power users: comScore.
751 million users access Facebook from mobile with 7,000 different devices.