QR codes have more doubters than the New York Giants, but they may have a better chance than the football team of having a successful fall season.
According to a new Adobe report, 76% of consumers asked said that their QR code scans brought them to a mobile-optimized experience. It provides a lesson about staying current on mobile activity. Report after report in the last 18 months or so put QR codes in the “can do without” pile.
My takeaway from Pew’s expert predictions that, by 2020, most people will adopt smart-device swiping for purchases? Maybe. Even so, will the payment companies and Apple, among many others, be patient for this to grow over a half-decade?
As Yahoo’s David Pogue tweeted, “This business of paying with your phone won't be real magic until it works everywhere (not just the 200K stores with receivers).”
More than three-quarters of the leading brick and mortar department stores use push notifications. Of course, that’s a tactic, not a strategy.
Customers are eager to share their location if you give them something in return, says Ryan Craver, who leads mobile for Lord & Taylor.
I’m not promising that I won't get an Apple Watch (I know myself and, ummm, time will tell), but I’ve been living with the feeling that I'm too connected at times. More often equals bad. Or at least stress that isn’t welcome at what could or should be off-times. I know, I know, it's all about self-control, right? Easier said than done, especially with the expectations of others.
I see that Rolex is advertising on the BBC homepage. Do you think that company feels breath on back of neck with Apple Watch. Probably just a little for now.
Even with an intuitive interface, education needs to come with Apple Watch and health apps. With my now departed Fitbit (it went back due to a recall), I was surprised to know that I was burning calories sleeping.
Speaking of education, the same goes for Apple Pay. My wife's first questions were around unintended purchases while walking by a terminal.
Is it wise for Apple to compel Apple Watch owners to also have an iPhone? Or does that limit sales by shutting out too many who carry other devices?
An app lets women call taxis driven only by women.
Twitter suggests that I follow Karl Rove. It is as clueless as TiVo suggesting poker matches for me, a non-card player. Recommendation engines leave a lot to be desired.