New York City is weighing bitcoin and Apple Pay for parking meters. I grew up there needing quarters to fill ‘em so I could put my dimes in the Zerox machine in the library. Despite what you see from my pretty website picture, I'm as old as dirt.
Facebook is now operating at a $10 billion revenue run rate from mobile, per industry analyst Chetan Sharma. Twitter and Yahoo also exceeded $1 billion in mobile revenue for 2014.
Also from Sharma, Amazon led in mobile commerce with over $15 billion in revenues from mobile.
Holiday SMS promotions by major retailers dramatically plummeted year over year, BDO said. One third of marketers asked went the text message route in 2013. Only 7 percent said they would do so in the just concluded shopping season.
Kodak is reportedly back at CES with a cell phone. Given how late it is entering the game, Kodak isn’t likely to even be in the picture by the end of 2015.
After a long break, I resumed using Twitterific recently. Since, I’ve been getting daily short-lived “connection errors” on my Mac. At that point, it loses its “ificness”.
Tweet of the week - @helpareporter was “looking for burlesque stars to give ‘regular’ women tips on performing their own private dances”. Two comments: that story again? And how does one define a regular woman?
According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, cellphones are involved in 1.6 million auto crashes each year.
In 2014, U.S adults spent 23% more time on #mobile during an average day than in 2013, says eMarketer.
Ericsson: "90% of the global population over 6 years old will own a mobile phone by 2020.
Companies that allow users to submit expenses via mobile have 28% shorter cycle times: Concur.
Jerry Jones, the owner of the Dallas Cowboys, is worth $3 billion and he still uses a flip phone, reports Business Insider. So does Indianapolis quarterback Andrew Luck.