A soap-proof, washable phone from Kyocera has a rubber ducky stand to prop it up on. My search for the perfect holiday gift is over. Rub-a-dub-dub.
According to IBM, 27.6 % of online Cyber Monday sales were reportedly accomplished from a mobile device.
United Airlines will equip 6,000+ customer service reps with iPhones.
Expedia ran Black Friday deals in its app that sold out in 7 minutes, according to the company.
Global smartphone shipments should see their first full year of single-digit growth worldwide in 2015 after years of double-digit growth: IDC.
82% of consumers aware of IoT devices don't trust them, per Google Consumer Surveys for Auth0, an identify platform company.
Black Friday shoppers spent on average 5 hours at the mall: Foursquare.
WiFi reportedly could slow down because of your Christmas lights. My reaction? "Have yourself a @gogo like Christmas"
79% of smartphone users feel their phones make them feel productive; 57% say distracted: Pew.
I saw a promoted tweet for lab coats and scrubs. I haven't even played a doctor on TV.
Disney announced that ESPN has lost 7 million subscribers due to cord cutting.
All these years later and many businesses still don't get that you need to opt someone in to send them a marketing SMS message. There are big financial penalties for such violations. Watch for some lawsuits.
I’m not ready to rely on voice recognition in 2016. I asked for directions home via my iPhone and Siri said, "I can't go back in time". WTF?
As dumb as they may seem, I still believe selfie sticks put smiles on faces and have a place in holiday memory-making.
My 86-year-old mother-in-law came to visit armed with two flash drives. The times, they are a'changin.
Mobile drove nearly half of all paid search clicks and over half on the key Thanksgiving and Black Friday shopping days, Kenshoo reported.