1.6% of total U.S. retail sales in the United States this year will be made directly from mobile devices, per eMarketer. Only 1.6%, you say? That translates to $76.79 billion. This behavior will become more commonplace if reports are true that Google will soon add 'buy' buttons to mobile search results.
57% of small-business owners say establishing solid relationships is key: The Alternative Board. The other 43% don’t deserve to be in business given that thinking.
74% of mobile shoppers fine with not being identified in a store: RichRelevance.
If accurate, still 26% of the shopping dollars available are huge.
Macy’s found visitors to its mobile app apply offers 20 times more than mobile web or desktop visitors.
48.1% of UK doctors plan to use health data recorded via patients’ smartphones within 5 years; 10.2% already do, according to eMarketer.
As we gauge the pace of progress in personalization, how should I answer my wife when she asks why eHarmony puts promoted tweets are in my feed?
AOL earned $606 million on dial-up subscriptions last year. Those folks would enjoy the “speed” of a Gogo inflight connection.
The first demographic in the U.S. to pass 90% penetration of smartphones? Ages 18-24, according to comScore
Future TV sets “will look like a large iPad,” with a variety of apps: Reed Hastings, CEO of Netflix
Surrounded by technology last week, I was amused to see a woman in the airport reading Knit Baby Afghans print magazine.
54% of millennials stop using a brand’s products after a poor mobile experience, Oracle says.
39 of the top 50 news sites are accessed most by mobile: comScore.
59% of 16-24 year olds in the UK say that they would miss their mobile more than TV, Ofcom reported. I would’ve guessed that number to be at least 80%.