How far have we come – or not? Entering 2016, only four percent of marketers have a single view of their customers, says eMarketer.
Smartphone users will number seven billion in 2020, up from the nearly four billion today, Tune predicts.
On the new or renewed and repeated use of "App-ocalypse" - stop.
Purchasing happened more often from digital channels as U.S. retail sales grew 7.9% in 2015, per MasterCard. Furniture and women's apparel were the leading growth categories.
83% of consumers use 2.23 devices simultaneously with most of them 'feeling good' about it, reported Accenture Interactive. I, for one, always feel that something is lacking from that .23 of a device.
I am up to 26,000 tweets sent. .0000000000000000000000000000000000001% were about my meal choices.
With the mobile wallet, cash was supposed to be gone by Tuesday, no? Maybe some Tuesday in 2023.
My craziest tech moment of 2015 was when I got a “You Did It” Apple Watch message while at a urinal. Come to think of it, it was the best positive re-enforcement since I was 3.
Tabletop tablets enable Olive Garden to turn over tables six-seven minutes faster, the Washington Post reported.
I always gauge mobile adoption when the extended family visits over the holidays. This time around, they want from why to "oh, we'll just take Uber” and “Time to FaceTime with the grandkids cross-country”.
13% of Americans are “smartphone-only” as home broadband plateaus, via Pew. Meanwhile, 55% of U.S. adults have both a smartphone and home broadband subscription.
My best RTs this week – and every week, came from everyone who retweeted. Other yardsticks miss the point.
The equal to the StarWars fanatics are those who consented to push notifications for each score in 42 bowl games.
Google launched a 6-month accelerator to help startups build mobile products.