What I know and still wonder about 686 days and 1,000 followers into my @jeffhasen Twitter life:
- I’m doing OK if you consider that I’ve been placed on the Top CMOs on Twitter list http://www.smmmagazine.com/exclusives/top-cmos-on-twitter/. Only 67 others worldwide have been so honored.
- I’m doing lousy if you average out days and followers that seem to indicate that I’m as popular as a nor’easter.
- I spend more and more time on Twitter. To help determine how much versus the rest, I went to Google and put in “time spent on t…” It came back with two choices -- time spent on Twitter and time spent on toilet. At least one of those deserves to be kept to oneself. As for the other one, I am getting older, you know.
- I realize that I can grow my followers’ list rapidly through all sorts of trickery. But I continue to believe that a smaller list earned is better than one with 3,000 “followers” who have no value to me – nor me to them.
- I refuse to use Twitter like most use Facebook (and many sadly use LinkedIn). Katie Couric famously said that “no one gives a rat’s ass that I had a tuna fish sandwich for lunch”. The minutiae of my life isn’t especially interesting to even those closest to me.
- I see no value in using a Twitter account as an RSS feed. If you provide a link with no context or analysis, I’ve likely seen the news elsewhere. Please tell me what it means to you and to me.
- There is no doubt that Twitter has led to business relationships that I could not develop elsewhere. Want to make a sale? Know your target and go where he or she lives. Twitter is full of potential contacts that are only reachable there.
- Don’t be overly concerned by your Klout score or any other tool that claims to measure your influence. If you can grow your business, career or just your mind via what you see and say on Twitter, it’s an experience worth taking.
The number of Tweeps I’ve followed over the same period
My tweeting activity since late October