Said Prince to a South By Southwest crowd: "Don't make me hurt you -- you know how many hits I have?”
About as many as mobile notes I’ve jotted down recently. Here’s some of what’s on my mind:
How quickly things change in mobile. Mailbox reportedly was the third most-used iPhone utility app last month.
There is some buzz around the Hater app. That’s because the world needs better ways for us to express hatred.
Chinese consumers spend 50-60 percent of their time on mobile. How as marketers do we sell more to them? That’s one of mobile’s big opportunities in the years ahead.
With three days of meetings on mobile healthcare apps, the question has been posed as to whether Congress is stifling innovation. Or is oversight necessary to protect the public?
Gartner says it will take three years for BlackBerry to reach a 5 percent market share - and it's not sure thing. When it comes to share shifts, that’s often not a quick process, even in mobile.
Instagram added 5 million daily mobile users in three months after the Facebook acquisition.
Samsung confirms that it too has a smartwatch in development. Likely dozens of others do as well.
Mobile-initiated product research by affluent consumers doubled year over year in 2012, according to eMarketer.
23 percent of teens have a tablet computer, a level comparable to the general adult population, Pew reports. Many believed tablets skew older.
Gestures in Samsung’s Galaxy S4 will be either make you more efficient or look dumb - or both.
Samsung may sell 10 million Galaxy S4 units in a month, half the time it took to sell 10 mil III's, according to analysts.
As of the other day, Apple shares were up 5,749 percent since 2003. Samsung’s were up 373 percent.
Google says the mobile consumer is 18 to 24 months ahead of most marketers. Ahead? For sure. Two years? Gosh, I hope not.