I pay a bundle for my TV/phone/Internet bundle, and until today, I had no idea that favorite punching bag Comcast is behind my access to ESPN live telecasts online and mobile via ESPN3.
For months at least I’ve been puzzled by ESPN’s ability to provide live feeds of major events, including this weekend’s British Open.
It was lost on me that I’m one of the “privileged” because Comcast is an ESPN3 participating high-speed Internet service provider. Not everyone has access, a fact that ESPN fails to explicitly share when it heavily promotes (yeah, I know it heavily promotes everything) ESPN3.
By doing some searching, I found out that ESPN3 delivers thousands of live games and events like college football and basketball, NBA, MLB, The Masters and US Open Golf, and all 4 Grand Slam tennis tournaments.
Plus you get a fully interactive experience with real time in-game stats and scoreboards and live chat.
I’m sure this isn’t a gift from Comcast or ESPN, but part of the steep bundle price that I pay.
You would think they would do a better job of telling me how lucky I am.