“Juice” with your coffee? DuPont has introduced Corian Powermat wireless charging countertops.
Mobile use during sex stats were interesting the first time. 8,674 surveys later and yeah, so?
BlackBerry's marketing aside, the market has spoken on the company's flagship Z10 - price dropped 75 percent to $49. The company’s CEO says that training issues and problems with getting buyers to "move from the pack" are the reasons for the sales woes. Also, a new report says that BlackBerry now accounts for just 2 percent of mobile traffic.
South Africa mobile stats nearly a year after I visited – 68 percent of email are sent/received on a cellphone; 3 times more text rather than email
One more - there are 4.6 times more households with a mobile device than a computer.
The New York Times is creating a digital long-form magazine. How will it do? Content wins pre-digital times and now.
eMarketer has slashed its 2013 U.S. mobile payments forecast in half. The day will come. Just not tomorrow or next year.
Univision's Hispanic audience avidly consumes content, ads on mobile. No surprise. Hispanics continue to over-index on mobile use and activities.
Another mobile made-up word - apportunity. Stop. Now.
For most outside of us geeks, having two mobile phones in a year is more hassle than a thrill. Agree?
More than 25 percent of organic search visits came from mobile devices in Q2.
How Not To Get Fired For Choosing The Wrong Mobile Strategy is the topic of my July 25 Market Motive webinar. You in?
Cripes. Just saw someone say 2013 is the Year of the smartwatch. It was the Year of mobile something like 9 straight years.
There are supposedly two ways to hit “print” on a mobile device. I can't even get my Macbook Pro to print wirelessly.