25 percent of married or partnered adults who text have texted their partner when they were both home together, according to Pew. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll pick up the dog poop soon” fits easily in the allotted character limit.
One more – 25 percent of cell phone owners in a marriage or partnership have felt their spouse or partner was distracted by their cell phone when they were together. I would’ve guessed this one is about 80 percent.
An app to help you write like Hemingway? Ernest or Seymour?
Office for iPad is reportedly coming before July. Nudge me if you’ve heard this in previous years.
Study: 78 percent of iPhone owners have ‘blind loyalty’ and will buy anything Apple makes.
Prices are going up for Gogo. Speeds? Not so much or at least so fast.
More than one billion Android devices have been activated and more than 700 million iOS devices sold: Forrester.
HTC is looking to low-end phones as a solution for dramatically fallen sales.
61 percent of shoppers use a smartphone before shopping, spend more on average than those who don't, according to Econsultancy.
Apple is said to have gathered an All-Star team of medical experts, scientists, and designers to build the iWatch. Another report says it may gauge signs of impending heart attack. I wonder how doctors will view this innovation.
An Android tablet for $30 not worth the money? True, according to revered tech reviewer Walt Mossberg, who said the Optik 2 is product that doesn’t even do core functions properly.
American Express has added a new live video chat feature to its iPad app.
New to the Sears ShopYourWay app is the ability to buy via mobile, then pick up the item at the nearest retail outlet within five minutes of parking outside the store.