NBC received the highest Opening Ceremony ratings in 20 years. I’ve loudly complained that we should be able to see it live on mobile, online, or elsewhere. Given the numbers, that will happen when monkeys fly out of our “you know whats”.
NBC not-withstanding, we live in a real-time world. Imagine if Twitter delayed tweets the way NBC delayed coverage.
Samsung reportedly gave Olympians phones because it didn’t want to see the Apple logo at the Opening Ceremony.
Amazon has updated its iPhone app to enable users detect and buy products using the camera.
In Starbucks, I observed a woman in her 70's sitting with girl under 10. Both were on iPhones. What generational technology divide?
Despite the hype, doctors still turn to desktops for most work purposes, ahead of smartphones or tablets, according to eMarketer.
Mobile advertising was more than 75 percent of Twitter’s total advertising revenue in the fourth quarter of 2013.
60 percent of mobile users expect a website to load in less than 3 seconds.
14 percent of people captured “naughty” content on a mobile device, according to McAfee. That depends on what your definition of “is” is.
Worldwide mobile data traffic will grow almost 11 times the next 4 years, Cisco says. Also, monthly mobile data traffic jumped 80 percent year-over-year in 2013.
25 years ago, half of the world's population had never made a telephone call, much less played Angry Birds.
70 percent of mining executives believe mobile devices have prevented accidents, according to SAP.
iPhone and iPad thefts alone accounted for 18 percent of all grand larcenies in New York City last year, according to the New York Police Department.
One billion people have tried Twitter and three quarters of them have stopped using it, according to multiple reports.