In the Chinese city of Chongqing, a "cellphone lane" has been erected for those who must text and walk. Ironically or not, it’s along a place called Foreigner Street. Can beacons and location-based messages from advertisers be far behind? We know we have the mobile users’ attention, right?
Airbus has filed a patent for a virtual reality helmet that will make you forget that you're on a plane. Some mistakenly believe that booze does the same thing.
More than one in eight Americans deposited a check using a mobile device within the past year, according to the American Bankers Association. 80% of those who did report using it at least once per month.
Meanwhile, Kenya continues to lead the world in mobile banking.
In the second quarter of this year, 45% of smartphone owners made a retail purchase after seeing mobile ads, according to NinthDecimal, a mobile advertising platform company.
The average U.S. adult spends more than 20 minutes per day on Facebook, according to eMarketer. Facebook has 654 million mobile daily active users.
It has long been referred to as Whole Paycheck. With competition increasing, Whole Foods will soon attempt to show a whole lotta love with a test of its first-ever rewards program.
Samsung reportedly is teaming with Paypal for mobile payments on a watch.
25-34 year-olds spend 75 hours on mobile apps in a month - that's than any other age group, comScore says.
U.S. ecommerce sales during the holiday season are projected to rise 16.6% year over year, eMarketer forecasts.
Google is selling a smartphone in India for $105. It's called the "Android One. Just 10% of the India's population owns a smartphone.
One in every 4 mobile apps is downloaded and never used again, Oracle reports.
30% of those who save Pep Boys mobile coupons use them.