One in seven uses a mobile device for at least an hour a day by age 1, according to the Einstein Health Network. Additionally, a third touch or scroll the screen before walking or talking, per the Pediatric Academic Societies. Somewhere there is a marketing plan being developed to influence this group. It is probably happening in multiple somewhere’s.
I found wording worse than phablet and appsolutely - calling Apple Watch marketing wrist-y business.
Apple Watch diaries? Aren't we taking this a little too far, even for an Apple product?
A new version of Google Glass is coming soon, according to Luxottica’s CEO.
Last quarter, Microsoft had Surface revenue of $713 million. The iPad sold $9 billion over the same period. And that's with iPad and tablets in decline due to the popularity of larger smartphones.
Millennials are nearly twice as likely as Gen Xers to use a smartphone when car shopping, per eMarketer.
Mobile is now 73% of Facebook’s ad revenue. Also, the number of daily active users is now 936 million, up from 890 million at the end of 2014.
Tweet from Fortune Magazine: What businesses want from workplace wearables: happy customers. My reaction? Imagine that.
Judging by the Web, Google's new limited wireless service is either "game-changing" or a relative non-event. I’m glad that we figured that one out.
For first time, New York Times editors are choosing stories specifically for smartphone readers to be delivered via app.
Apple Pay has added more than 30 additional banks and credit unions. There are now more than 200 institutions included.
I keep seeing Promoted Tweets from a company selling two watches for $60. Hello, it's not a timepiece that we're after. Duh.
Over 3 billion hours are spent playing mobile games each week around the globe, according to the Global Games Initiative.