The holiday-shopping season is no longer between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Even the days of the week for purchasing change, with more purchases on the weekends versus the rest of the calendar, a Nanigans study showed.
Here’s what I told’s Giselle Abramovich:
"In this frenetically morphing mobile era, a six-month-old playbook could be outdated. For the 2015 holiday season, throw out much of the so-called conventional thinking.
"Plus, many of those who fail in holiday marketing wait way too long to build a relationship with a consumer. The time to solidify a relationship is now. Actually, it was in the spring and summer, long before back to school and the coming holiday period caused consumer distractions."
The good news is there is still a window remaining for brands to entice consumers to join loyalty clubs, for example, which is critical since only 26% of shoppers stay loyal during the holidays, according to a sessionM study.
"Waiting for the leaves or snow to fall is a recipe for disaster."
Giselle’s full piece is here -